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I haven't kept the Blogs from the first website as each time I posted I'd hoped the edit was almost finished, and then the typesetting was almost finished, and I am still hoping to announce a publishing date soon. So, I've decided to start afresh here.

The final manuscipt - post edit and post checks went for typesetting on 31 January, with a six-week estimate for its completion and return. Obviously things have happened in the world since then. I updated the UWLTSS facebook page mid-March as my publisher announced there would be delays due to Coronavirus. However, I have learnt since that a select few books will now be published during this time, as they are so close to completion, and they will be promoted via online book tours.

I am pleased to say Unwritten Letters to Spring Street  is one of these.

So, typesetting is finally complete and I have the layout manuscript back now. I am reading it again, (for the millionth time) to check for final errors and small amends and then will sign it off once and for all. Meanwhile, the publisher gets everything else ready and it finally all comes togther in agreeing a date, a price, and off we go.

Perhaps May, perhaps June there will finally be a date.

Thankyou for your patience.



8 April 2020